On Demand Video Library

On Demand Video Library

U.S. Census Bureau: Statistics in Schools

Statistics in Schools (SIS) is a program that offers K-12 resources that can be used in the classroom. Use real-life data to teach your students with these free history, geography and sociology standards based activities and resources.


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An Issue-Centered Approach to Classroom Debate & Deliberation

Youth interest in politics, government, and current issues is at an all time high nationwide. However, civic education is minimized in curricula across the country and as a result students have few opportunities to engage with the controversial issues which inform their world and are most relevant to them. 

Secondary/High School

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KidCitizen: See, Think, and Wonder with Primary Sources

This presentation highlights a freely available digital game designed to foster young children's engaging inquiry with primary sources. KidCitizen is part of the Congress, Civic Participation, and Primary Sources Project. It is funded by a grant from the Library of Congress.

PreK Elementary

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Vietnam and Iraq Wars: Comparisons, Similarities & Lessons Learned

Today the grandchildren of Vietnam War veterans are attending middle and high schools throughout America, sitting side-by-side with the children of those who served more recently in Desert Storm and the Iraq War. But how much do they really know about these conflicts and the sacrifices their dads, moms and grandparents proudly made?

Middle Level-Jr. High School, Middle Level, Secondary Level-High School, Secondary/High School
US History

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National Geographic's Geo-Inquiry Framework Part 1

Geo-Inquiry is an exciting new integrated, project-based process that connects students to real-world questions, National Geographic explorers and components of civic action.

PreK Elementary, Middle Level-Jr. High School

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National Geographic's Geo-Inquiry Framework-Part 2

Geo-Inquiry is an exciting new integrated, project-based process that connects students to real-world questions, National Geographic explorers and components of civic action.

PreK Elementary

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Democracy is not a Spectator Sport

"America is an exceptional nation built on a Declaration of Independence and a Constitution that offer a rare collection of inalienable rights and guaranteed freedoms: freedom of speech; freedom of religion; freedom to assemble; freedom of the press; the right to vote; the right to appeal; the right to bear arms. But let’s be honest.

Secondary Level-High School, Secondary/High School
Civics/Government, US History, Political Science

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Teaching the EU: Bringing Modern Europe to your Classroom


Secondary/High School
Global Studies, World History, Civics/Government

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Unsettling Narratives: Teaching About the Genocide of Indigenous Peoples

This webinar will introduce middle school social studies educators to several frameworks drawn from history and the social sciences, such as settler colonialism, physical and cultural genocide, and human rights, for teaching about the mass violence perpetrated against Indigenous peoples in the United States in the nineteenth century.

Middle Level-Jr. High School
US History

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Woodstock at 50: The 1960s and the Transformation of American Society Pt. 1

Part 1

The 1960s evoke diverse memories, opinions, and messages from Americans living in the 21st century. Why have the sixties created such diverse sentiments and opposing reactions? Having a working definition for our institute is a valuable starting-off point. This webinar will attempt to define "The Sixties."

Secondary/High School
US History

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