On Demand Video Library

On Demand Video Library

The Origins of Race and Anti-Black Racism in the U.S.

In this evidence-based webinar, answer the questions "How and why were the “Black” and “White” “races” developed? and "How and why was anti-Black Racism developed? Using primary sources, visual diagrams, and historian quotes, trace the historical evolution of the social construction of race--through laws--during the Colonial era.

Middle Level, Middle Level-Jr. High School, Secondary Level-High School, Secondary/High School
US History

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Educator Strategies for Addressing Racism and Current Issues: A Perspectives Consciousness Approach

Develop a classroom culture that encourages students to seek intercultural interactions and understand differing viewpoints instead of universalizing personal viewpoints. Consistent with Robert Hanvey’s “Perspectives Consciousness," learn to approach differing perspectives as a product of geography, culture, identity, and experiences. Additionally, using Diana Hess and Paula McAvoy's "Empirical vs. Policy Issue framework" learn about “safety guardrails” around classroom discussions about race and racism.

Secondary/High School
Civil Rights, General Social Studies

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From Headline to Homework: Teaching Current Events Through Anti-Bias Framework

Anti Defamation League’s (ADL) anti-bias framework, interactive strategies, and current events content can help you gain the confidence and skills you need to turn “teachable moments” into enriching classroom lessons and conversations. Explore skills for understanding and challenging bias, connect anti-bias skills to current events and identify best practices and strategies for current events and anti-bias instruction.

Secondary/High School

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Teaching Inquiry About Race and Democracy Through Primary Sources

National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and National Council for History Education (NCHE) are proud to present a two-part professional learning series on teaching inquiry about race and democracy through the use of primary sources in K-12 social studies and history classrooms. 

Secondary/High School, PreK Elementary, PreK-12, Middle Level-Jr. High School

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Bayard Rustin: Shifting a Civil Rights Leader from the Shadows to the Spotlight

Bayard Rustin organized one of the most successful forms of protest in our country’s history—the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Yet, he is often silenced within the PK-12 curriculum because of his sexual orientation as an out, gay man.

PreK-12, PreK Elementary
Civil Rights

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Teaching with Primary Sources to Prepare for Civic Engagement

History classes that involve students in historical inquiry using primary sources can prepare young people for civic engagement. In this webinar illustrates how teachers can build students’ historical knowledge, foster historical thinking skills that are vital for civic engagement, and nurture students’ civic dispositions through document-based lessons.

Civics/Government, US History, World History

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Media Literacy Town Hall 2020

National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) conducted this Media Literacy Education Town Hall, October 29, 2020 in celebration of Media Literacy Week. The webinar delved deep into the vital impact of media literacy in social studies, and presented recommendations for incorporating media literacy skills. 

PreK Elementary, Secondary/High School, Middle Level
General Social Studies

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Culturally Responsive Teaching in Social Studies

Culturally responsive teaching develops students' personal agency and grounds learning in the rich context of students' lived experiences. When this happens, learning deepens and outcomes improve. How does inquiry set the stage for culturally responsive teaching?  And what strategies and tools used in inquiry promote culturally responsive teaching practice? 



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Young People are Talking about Politics, Whether or Not They're in our Classrooms

This webinar is intended to help K-12 educators consider the ways that they can engage students in inquiry and preparation to participate in the 2020 presidential election and civic life in the future—without starting from scratch or going it alone. Educators will be introduced to the work of the 17 nonprofit members of Teaching for Democracy Alliance (TFDA) and over 150 resources curated by the Alliance for teaching about elections, voting, media and news literacy, and current events—perfect for both in-person or remote classrooms.

Secondary/High School, PreK Elementary, Middle Level

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Stalin’s Cover Up of the Ukrainian Genocide: The Holodomor, 1932-1933

In this era of disinformation and denial, truth seekers are challenged at every juncture to discover authentic and documented facts. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the opening of their archives revealed a wealth of proof of orders given by Stalin and his regime to confiscate all of the foodstuffs from parts of Ukraine. Stalin’s Five Year Plan required capital to industrialize and quickly modernize his nation.

Secondary Level-High School
World History

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