Inclusive Social Studies: Call for Submissions

Inclusive Social Studies: Call for Submissions

February 9, 2024


Call for Submissions for Inclusive Social Studies Column
Inaugural Column: November, 2024, publishing thrice-yearly thereafter
Column Editors: Diana B. Turk, Stacie Brensilver Berman, John M. Palella


This new and ongoing column in Social Education will feature innovative work that is broadly inclusive in focus, reach, pedagogical practice, perspective, audience, and authorship. This column will provide opportunities for us to consider and expand our understanding of inclusivity in its many forms and how it might shape scholarship and practice in social studies. We invite articles from teachers and other school-based practitioners, teacher educators, teacher candidates, and others engaged in the field of social studies who are working and teaching within, thinking about, and pushing the boundaries of inclusive education.


What is inclusivity in social studies?  For many, it is a matter of integrating diverse perspectives, experiences, and identities into our curriculum, and providing space and room for those whose histories may have been previously excluded or marginalized. Others might conceptualize it as broadening the range of people who participate in conversations, especially those who identify as Black/ Brown/ Indigenous, who speak languages in addition to English, and/or who represent communities previously disregarded or censored in traditional academic and educational spaces. Perhaps people from various LGBTQ+ communities will want to share practices, stories, or experiences on teaching and learning social studies from the perspective of their intersectional identities, or it may mean hearing more from those who teach and support students who are neurodiverse - or those who are neurodiverse themselves - and deeply considering the importance of accessibility in social studies education. Inclusivity in this framing could also mean amplifying the voices of individuals whose backgrounds and experiences may have led them to teach and work outside of formal social studies classrooms or worlds in which C3 Framework-related work is common or even understood.


In this new column, which will launch in the November 2024 issue, we invite content that considers, represents, and models inclusivity writ broadly. We seek content that is inclusive in focus, reach, methodology, audience, and/or authorship, and invite works that both explore the concept of inclusivity as well as demonstrate it in their approach and reach. We especially seek contributions from authors and creators who have previously not found their voices included in Social Education and invite submissions from individuals and collectives who are interested in pushing definitions and boundaries of inclusivity.


For consideration for the inaugural Inclusive Social Studies column please submit your manuscripts to by May 1, 2024. Prepare your submissions in the following manner:

  • Review the guidelines for submissions to Social Education at:
  • Please share explorations of innovative curriculum, instruction, pedagogical approaches, instructional strategies, project outlines, and other pieces that explore, wrestle with, demonstrate, engage with, or otherwise bring together and explicate tensions between theoretical approaches and practical implications of doing, thinking about, enacting, and teaching work that is inclusive in the discipline of social studies.
  • We particularly invite submissions that offer unique perspectives and approaches not usually included in Social Education and encourage first-time authors to submit to the column.
  • We especially seek contributions that bring an equity-focus and justice-oriented lens to their discussion, practice, and demonstration of inclusivity. 
  • Please submit your manuscript for peer review via email to Column Editors at Inquiries seeking informal feedback on ideas for submission are welcomed.