Free Geography Resources (ODT Maps)

Free Geography Resources (ODT Maps)

Have you seen the "free stuff webpage" at ODT Maps? It offers . . .

Nine - free map postcards
Five - golden circles*
Four - NCGE books
Free - NCGE world-outline map masters (Major Countries, and World Outline)
Two - videos on YouTube
One - article The ODT USA Equal Area Map and one chapter from the book Seeing Through Maps
And a partridge in a pear tree!*

Check back every month to see new items posted regularly at, even after the winter holidays are over.
"Please share the link with any teachers, students and map fans that you know. Once supplies are gone, the postings will be removed," states geographer and website curator Bob Abramms. NCGE = National Council for Geographic Education. (*Just kidding about these two items. No golden circles. No partridge. Sorry ; )