

Displaying results 1 - 10 of 11

As an elementary school prepared to move to a larger building, the entire community joined together to create a time capsule for their counterparts of the future.

Type: Journal article

Students' natural fascination with buried treasures and lost civilizations means that the study of archaeology can be an excellent manner of developing skills of historical investigation.

Type: Journal article

Babe Didrikson pushed gender limits, fought social stigma, and broke records. Suggested teaching activities will engage students in research and critical thinking about Didrikson and why her vast achievements are largely unknown.

Type: Journal article

An arts-based approach to secondary social studies can promote active learning, develop critical thinking skills, and advance the study of social institutions.

Type: Journal article

Recent Disney movies spotlighting intelligent female characters who work hard and do not define themselves in terms of men illustrate a major change from the formulaic fairy tales portraying female inferiority and dependency.

Type: Journal article

High school ethnic studies courses that address the perspectives and experiences of people of color are increasingly in demand. The author describes the thematic, inquiry-based approach she developed that reflects her school’s diversity.

Type: Journal article

Mock excavations, or dig boxes, offer students a hands-on opportunity to explore artifacts and to learn the principles of context and soil stratigraphy.

Type: Journal article

The selected websites provide information and lesson plans for educating students about the looming food crisis, soil degradation, and other natural forces threatening humankind.

Type: Journal article

A curriculum developed in The Netherlands offers exciting opportunities for students to consider domestic water use, its impact on other countries, and the global need for water conservation.

Type: Journal article

An examination of inherent racial and social inequities in professional sports may give students deeper insight into the systemic inequities that plague our society as a whole.

Type: Journal article