

Displaying results 11 - 20 of 243

This article focuses on children’s literature by and about Jane Goodall. Readers are provided with recommended titles; examples for how to address social studies skills and concepts using her biography; and compelling and supporting questions that can drive students to investigate her work. The associated pullout, by the same author, consists of a brief elementary-level biography, “The Inspiring Jane Goodall,” and follow-up activities and questions for further study.

Type: Journal article

Applying specific critical literacy techniques when seeking curricular resources on Internet sharing sites can protect teachers from inadvertently implementing bad ideas disguised as “cute” lessons.

Type: Journal article

In the article “Inspiring Americans: Creating a Community of Engaged Citizens” (pp. 12–16), the authors suggest that children can study biographies of less-known citizens that are diverse in many ways. In this Pullout, we offer an extension activity that brings the topic close to home and school.

Type: Journal article

Handouts for a culture calle, as described in Culture Calle: Celebrating Heritage, Diversity, and Dreams in Bilingual Classrooms

Type: Journal article

A Position Statement of the National Council for the Social Studies Approved 2017 Rationale The advancement of “liberty and justice for all,” as envisioned by our country’s founders, requires that citizens have the knowledge, attitudes and values to both guard and endorse the principles of a constitutional democracy. Beginning to build this knowledge at an early age involves educators who are well grounded in social studies educational practice. Social studies at the elementary level should provide students with purposeful and meaningful learning experiences that are challenging, of high…

Type: Basic page

Preview a chapter from a forthcoming NCSS methods text that integrates Library of Congress resources with the C3 Framework. Explore how to support inquiry into family diversity with young learners.

Type: Resource