

Displaying results 21 - 30 of 116

The reopening of schools in the wake of Covid-19 offers a rare opportunity to reimagine content, pedagogy, and student-teacher relationships to enhance the educational experiences of Black males and, in turn, of all students.

Type: Journal article

The personal stories of experienced social studies teachers about their transition to digital learning in the wake of COVID-19 spotlight opportunities for innovation in how we teach.

Type: Journal article

Machine learning offers unique opportunities to re-imagine how students navigate and access digital collections for classroom learning.

Type: Journal article

One teacher’s experience recording video from the viewer’s perspective in Antarctica provides a creative model for inquiry-oriented activities to engage students in problem-based, real-world exploration.

Type: Journal article

The use of extended reality opens the way for rich, focused student inquiry into topics like the Holocaust, the civil rights movement, or Greek Art. 

Type: Journal article

A social studies teacher and a mathematics educator created the featured U.S. history lesson on the three branches of government to help students better interpret evidence presented in graphs.

Type: Journal article

Enabling students to pose and answer their own questions helps them evolve from passive learners to students who are actively engaged in their coursework.

Type: Journal article

Recent research shows that growing students’ knowledge of the world through social studies has a greater impact on literacy than increasing English language arts instruction time. 

Type: Journal article

Educators can get an inside look at how some classrooms have shifted to inquiry-based social studies with four documentary films featured in the The Making Inquiry Possible project. 

Type: Journal article

Teachers across the nation and world are experimenting with inquiry-driven pedagogy like Project Based Learning to improve student learning. Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. PBL is an effective and enjoyable way to learn and allows deeper content and skill development that is needed for success in college, career and civic life.

Type: Journal article