Apply to Serve on the Rho Kappa Advisory Council

Apply to Serve on the Rho Kappa Advisory Council

NCSS is currently accepting applications to serve on the Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society Advisory Council. If you have a desire to help shape the future of Rho Kappa, we encourage you to apply! Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society and Junior Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society are the only national organizations for middle school and high school students recognizing excellence in the field of social studies. 

Members of the Advisory Council must currently be a full-time middle school or high school teacher whose primary teaching responsibilities are in the field of social studies. At least three members of the council should have 5 years of teaching experience in social studies. 

If you are appointed to serve on the Advisory Council, you will share the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the council. Your obligations shall include but are not limited to: disseminating information to local chapters in your regions, encouraging and stimulating active chapters, and encouraging the formation of new chapters while you serve in full capacity of the organization.

While most work is done online, there is a three-year commitment to attend one "face-to-face" meeting that takes place each year at the NCSS Annual Conference with respect to current coronavirus and CDC meeting guidelines as they develop.

For more information about the role of the Rho Kappa Advisory Council, please see the Rho Kappa Constitution, Article 2, Sections 1-9.