Connecting the Dots in World History Part 2

Connecting the Dots in World History Part 2

Part 2 of 2

Become inspired to synthesize content with literacy theory for the purpose of developing your own classroom-ready curricula, including meaningful readings.  Learn how to create an engaging and beneficial curriculum around the concept of narrative and connections, in which students can bridge together the short excerpts, aka "dots", provided to read intently in class in order to see and understand the bigger picture.

Textbooks are compiled, not written and this creates a problem for teachers who are trying to implement the new Common Core literacy standards. Research indicates that students learn when information is presented in a narrative form and when it connects to other forms of information. Since the typical reading materials that are given to teachers do not align with learning theory, it is up to teachers to develop literacy based curricula that is aligned with learning theory. Learn about and create your own literacy based curricula as Dr. Edwards did when developing, and later publishing, a curriculum for his own students.