How to Advocate

How to Advocate

Why You Must Advocate for Social Studies

Advocacy is the lifeblood of political change. It consists of purposeful efforts to change policies that already exist or are proposed. As a social studies educator or professional you are in a unique position to advocate for social studies. You have the best understanding of social studies and its importance for developing students on their path towards college, career, and civic life. Collectively, you and your colleagues are empowered to communicate with local legislators and congressional leaders throughout the United States.

how-to-advocate-graphicGuiding Questions and Principles for Advocacy

There are several guiding questions and principles for effective advocacy.

Guiding Questions

  1. What is the issue that must be addressed?
  2. Who does this issue affect?
  3. How can the issue be prevented?

Guiding Principles

  1. Advocates can be heard through continuous action. Continue your actions until you are heard.
  2. Advocacy must be targeted, not random, both actions and solutions.
  3. Advocates follow-up after action is taken.

These questions and guidelines will serve you on your journey to making impactful change.

How to Advocate for Social Studies

There are countless ways to advocate for social studies. These examples will give you an effective place to start on your journey for change.

  1. Schedule a meeting with a legislator (see our legislative meeting toolkit for instructions on how to do so).
  2. Mobilize constituent support.
  3. Influence media coverage on an issue.
  4. Educate members of the public on an issue by handing out fliers, holding meetings, or posting to social media.
  5. Lobby policymakers.