NCSS Podcast, Episode 3: Passionate about Project-Based Learning (PBL)

NCSS Podcast, Episode 3: Passionate about Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Listen to moderator Jane Lo as she leads a spirited 20-minute discussion about Project-Based Learning (PBL). Professor Lo's guests are Social Education authors John Larmer, Stacie Brensilver, and Rob Hallock. They examine how they first came to use PBL—and the challenges and rewards it offers to students and teachers over time. They provide beneficial advice to all teachers ready to try PBL for the first time.

Read the special section (an introduction and six articles) of the January/February 2018 issue of Social Education for a more in-depth look at PBL. It will make you passionate about Project-Based Learning.

Visit the growing Podcast Collection, which currently (in April 2018) has three episodes:
Ep. 1: Teaching 9/11 in a Changing World
Ep. 2: Debating the Civil Rights Act of 1875 (Teaching with Documents)
Ep. 3: Passionate About Project-Based Learning